Current Position
Consultant at Ernst & Young (EY)
Top skills
- TypeScript
- JavaScript
- Python
- ReactJS
- NextJS
- NodeJS
- Docker
- Django
- FastAPI
- PostgreSQL
- MongoDB
Tools & Platforms
- Postman
- Zustand
- Git
- Gatsby
- Firebase
- Redux
- TailwindCSS
- Ionic
- React Native
Work history

An open source project and Your own Api Hub to learn and master API integration. With over 2000+ stars on github, it comes with pre cooked public apis, kitchen sink module, and full blown complex app apis like e-commerce, social media, todos, authentication and many more to come in future.
- Status: live
- NodeJs
- JavaScript
- ExpressJs
- Docker
- MongoDB
- Ubuntu
- DigitalOcean
- Open source software

Write, customize and download gorgeous images of your code snippet. The tool is open source and developer-focused, enabling one to share their knowledge via attractive code snippet images.
- Status: live
- Snippng
- Next.Js
- TypeScript
- Codemirror
- ReactJs
- NodeJS
- Firebase
- FireStore
- TailwindCSS
- Jest

A platform where developers can showcase their work and be hired. The project is currently live with 10K users.
- Status: live
- Findcoder
- Next.Js
- TypeScript
- Zustand
- NodeJS
- MongoDB
- ExpressJS
- TailwindCss
Path finding visualizer using Dijkstra's, BFS and DFS algorithm
- Status: live
- Path finder
- Vite
- ReactJS
- TypeScript
- TailwindCss
- Netlify
- Dijkstra's algorithm
- Breadth-first search
- Depth-first search

Ride hailing app using React native which includes: - Real time location auto complete - Google maps - Pickup to destination direction on map - Distance, travel time and price calculation
- Status: live
- JavaScript
- React Native
- Places API
- Maps android SDK
- Directions API
- Distance matrix API

- Progressive Web App using React.Js. - It fetches the current temperature of searched city. - The main highlight of this project is, it is a PWA (Progressive Web App) that means you can install it on your Desktop and Android/iOS devices.
- Status: live
- JavaScript
- ReactJS
- Axios
- Weather API
- Netlify


Classes in TypeScript
Read the articleLooking back to our last article, we covered Functions in TypeScript which gave us an idea about how Functions work, are structured, and implemented in TypeScript.
- TypeScript
- Classes
- OOPs

PostgreSQL Hosting on EC2: Configuring Automated S3 Backups
Read the articleThe primary reason for hosting your database on EC2 is cost savings. At the time of writing this article, the most affordable/smallest RDS deployment costs approximately $20-$40 per month (depending on the usage).
- PostgreSQL
- S3
- Deployment
- Cloud
- Production

How to integrate Razorpay payment gateway with Django REST framework and React.Js
Read the articleIn this article, we are going to see how to integrate Razorpay with Django RF as backend and React.Js as frontend. We will also be seeing how to set up environment variables for our Razorpay API keys. About Razorpay Razorpay is an online payment solution in India allowing businesses to accept, process, and disburse payments with its product suite.
- Python
- Javascript
- ReactJs
- Django
- Razorpay
- Payment gateway
- Backend